PartsTech Tires
Gerald Martin
PartsTech catalog offers tires, but Protractor has not updated their API for this feature. As noted in this post: Protractor at present does not have a proper mechanism for quoting good-better-best scenarios. Tires are a common area this is needed. I reached out to Protractor support, as I was ready to purchase the tire upgrade on PartsTech.
The reply from support was:
After asking around a bit, it seems like you are the first person to ask about this!
We do not work with tires yet, Parts Tech has another api for tires that they released after we set it up for parts.
So we will need to add in the tires api. I would suggest you add this as a feature request - you can do this by clicking on Feedback in your Home ribbon in Protractor.
And then we can rally some support for it to have it integrated.
You can look up tires on parts tech as if they are a part, but it does not get mapped to a tire supplier.
Can we get some traction on updating this existing integration to leverage the tire multi-quote feature? Please upvote this if you can see the importance of it.
This would at least partially solve a pain point, and should not be a huge development effort, until Protractor gets their own good-better-best estimating feature.
Gerald Martin
Any movement on the PartsTech tires API integration?
Trevor Adams
Would be great to have it map on protractor cleaner. would solve a lot of tire integration issues that protractor has
Peter Foreman
MEh, I tried the tire module for PartsTech. It's subpar at best. I don't think the effort is worth it.