Vin Scanner
Darren Williams
Please contact support if you would like more information on Protractor's VIN Scanner!
Kim Doble
Darren WilliamsI would like more information on Protractor's VIN scanner please.
Gerald Martin
(cross posting from the DVI thread)
I think it's great that Protractor is looking at a mobile app starting with the barcode scanner. My request would be to focus more on the work order functions than the DVI functions. If the app would include attendance clocks and the digital work order including job clocks that would be an amazing step forward. Then, add quick spec lookup - fluid types and capacities, torque specs....think how the techs would love it. Oh, and vehicle history...
Team Protractor, thanks for considering.
Gerald Martin
Q1 is over folks! How's this project coming?
Ryan Bethune
Will this have an app for our phones, be accessble online, or integrate to AS1? Since Android 13 VIN Scanner on AS1 hasnt worked on my phone, and it is quite annoying/would help expediate write ups
Clay Banasik - 6062
in progress