Show price changes of Work orders
in progress
Shane Cassiani
Is there a way to show any and all price changes of a work order. At times when you receive a part for an upcoming job if the cost is different or if you did not use the full matrix mark up when you receive the part it bring up a pop up asking if you want to change the price based on that cost. If you accidentally press yes it will change the selling price and then you have to remember what the selling price was before. If the job is here you can look at the authorized amount to make sure it will match but you can't see what individual items have changed and if the job is not here yet so it has not yet been authorized, there is no away to know the previous total to make sure your estimate did not change. It would be nice to have a running text that shows any price changes like it does with authorization changes. So it can say brake pads sell price change from $79.99 to $89.99 or xxxxx part added at $5.63. This way you can see the "evolution" of the work order to show any changes made.
Darren Williams
in progress
This will be multiple phases to implement, starting with backend logging and eventually something visible in Protractor itself.
Greg Gillette
Maybe also have a version/audit history like Google Docs?? So you can view or revert to a previous version if necessary
Shane Cassiani
Also, if there is a way to make this can it show who was logged in when the change was made example. Service advisor A modified brake pads price from $79.99 to $89.99. This way we can get more info on why the price was changed and who changed it.
Shane Cassiani
Doing it this way will show not only that the total changed but why the total changed. So if you have approval for $235.46 and now the total is $276.85, you have a trail to see why the total changed to make sure if it was an added part or service, or a mess up somehow with receiving etc.