Protractor Built In DVI
Darren Williams
Please contact support if you would like more information on Protractor's DVI!
Kim Auernheimer
Darren Williams: Is there a Sample Completed DVI that we can see?
Kim Doble
Darren Williams I would like more information on Protractor's DVI please.
Ben Nunn
Darren Williams
DVI feedback:
Since this program is still in Beta, I have some feedback to help improve the program.
• Currently, while in DVI, it displays the customer's name, which is deceiving for our shop. Since our shop service's a lot of Fleet customers, our work orders show the "File As" name. (ie: company name). Can you make an option to show the Company name?
• While in the work order screens, if the page is refreshed, the page changes to a "page not found" error. Only way to get back to the home screen, is to re-enter the web address.
• It would be helpful to re-open inspections for amendments after they've been closed. Unless there is something that I must do to re-open them?
• On the Work Order page, the odometer displays the kilometers from the "previous work order," even if Protractor already has the correct mileage entered.
Otherwise, it is awesome for my techs to be able to use a cell phone/tablet to fill in an inspection, thank you for creating this!
Darren Williams
Ben Nunn Hey Ben,
Points 2 & 3 will be addressed in the next update. If you need to edit an inspection today, just log out and back in to the dvi and you can edit it again.
I'll look into points 1 and 4.
Thank you for the feedback! Glad you it's working well for you.
Darren Williams
in progress
Darren Williams
Merged in a post:
Ability to upload photos/pdf to Customer Contact
Kris Smit
To be able to upload photos/pdfs to a contact in Protractor. Such as alignment specs etc.
Marvs Auto Service
Excellent idea! 100% positive!
Alvin W Chase Jr.
Brilliant, pdf's of registrations and extended warranties, pics of bent wheels and worn components deferred.
Argonaut Garage
I am going to add more to this. As mentioned below by not only me, integrated DVI would be awesome but unlikely to be amazing or have full functionality. TechMetric <SP> has it and it is not very good. My opinion is that if you are to integrate a DVI into your system would be to partner with another DVI company to build that help get that into your system. One of the reasons I stick with AutoVitals is that there is not another DVI company that can pull the past data from inspections and move it to their system.
Greg Gillette
To me the biggest issue between a stand alone DVI and a Protractor DVI is the navigation and the UI between the two systems is not consistent and things fall between the cracks. Two things on that. The Protractor UI could stand an upgrade and when configuring the DVI, the interface should be through Protractor, not a login to a different system (Like AutoServe1). There is way too much back and forth required to implement an add on DVI because of this and the re-retraining of staff becomes longer.
Peter Foreman
Agree with some of the posters on here, there are many DVI platform that are exceptional and having them work with Protractor as best as possible would probably be a better option IMO
Darren Williams
Darren Williams
in progress
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