We pay our technicians for the work they have performed, not just the work that is posted. I recently heard of a dealership level software that allows for this functionality, with the necessary security to prevent paying techs twice.
I see it working like this:
-each WO (or, even service package or labor line) has a field to select how many hours you are paying the tech on payday.
-Once that has been done, you have a button to 'finalize' those selections. This creates a record in a payroll hours report.
  • That report can then be printed to show all hours complete, even on open work orders.
Some necessary safeguards:
  • adjustments after the fact are possible, but would trigger another entry onto the report. For example, if you had paid a tech 5 hrs on a previous ticket, but for whatever reason needed to reduce that time to 3 hours, the difference would show on the report as -2.0
  • Similar entry to above for when the work order gets posted. Total Hours - Hours paid = hours on report.
-Adjustments should have the option to be locked for security.
-I think we would need to define our payroll end dates, and have the ability to adjust pay date. I frequently have to adjust things the day after a pay period ends, when i'm processing paychecks.
I'm sure there could be more fine tuning. This would save a boatload of time in my office, especially as we continue to grow.