Deferred work to show during work order creation
Mike Bealer
When creating a new work order, while in the services screen, when you search for a service package; if there is are deferred work items with that title it appears as an option above the services list. I know that deferred work shows on the following page, however, it would be really helpful to have the deferred work automatically populate above the services--without the need to search any terms--or--additional clicks. This is especially helpful when a client calls and we begin the write up process, and they ask for certain services, we add them, then the next page shows the same in deferred work.
Robert Blaes
Once deferred, always deferred until the work has been performed either by the facility, another facility, or by the customer themselves. Should automatically show on the authorization on any new work order, without having to add it manually to the work order, then move it to deferred.