Adding export capability to Time Clock records view/button
David Gelinas
Currently we have an extreme issue trying to differentiate overtime paid events VS just coming in early for employees that are paid hourly and come in a bit earlier to avoid traffic. There are no time clock reports that will show attendance AND time clocks events - this problem is worse with non-tech employees who do not punch onto workorders, all reports either show one or the other, the time clock view from the home ribbon does have all the information including edits being highlighted (which you loose everywhere else in any report that I have seen).
When we do the pay every 2 weeks we are having a hard time being certain of how much time to pay due to this.
Robert Blaes
I believe having "Attendance" clutters the base function of how the time clock works. Everyone should be clocking into an event, a work order, or a labor function, period. If they are doing this correctly, the sum of those punches will equal their attendance. If the sum of that number is over 40 hours for an hourly person, it is overtime. Again, I beleive if the time clock is used correctly, their is no need for Attendance (like in Legacy Protractor).
David Gelinas
Robert Blaes in a case the labor board would ask me for a print out of the hours an employee worked I would prefer it shows on the report, can't be too clear.
Seymour Services
Robert Blaes not everyone in a shop works as a tech. Shop helper / office staff will never clock onto a work order. This is one of the main reasons we do not use the build-in time clock or payroll module. It is too cumbersome to use. We use an external old fashion time clock with punch stickers on work order and separate payroll software.